Exam 1-A

Automotive Engineering I

2nd  Semester 1428/29

Student Name:                

Student No.   


1 a)-What are the units of the following quantities ؟(ما وحدات الكميات التالية)  

Engine brake power (Pb)


Clutch torque capacity (Tc)


Engine angular speed (w)


Clutch coefficient of friction (m)



1 b) - Rewrite the following units in other forms:

- Watt =

- Joule =

2 a)- The following data of a 4-stroke engine is known as:
The indicated mean effective pressure (imep), cylinder bore (d), stroke (L), number of cylinders (n), and engine rpm (N).

-Write down the following quantities using the above symbols

 (أكتب الكميات التالية باستخدام الرموز الموجودة بعالية):


* The engine swept volume (Ve)


* The engine indicated power (Pi)




2 b)- What are the relations between the following (ما العلاقة بين التالي) ?

- Engine Indicated (Pi) & Brake (Pb) powers



- Force & Torque



- Work & Power


2 c) - What do those curves represent? (ما الذي تمثله تلك المنحنيات)

And what are their units (وما وحداتها) ?

A:                               [        ]



B:                               [        ]



3 a) What are the parts of the friction clutch and what is the function of each part?








3 b) The clutch friction plate shown has the following:

ri = 0.07  m            , ro = 0.09 m               , m = 0.4


If this plate will fit with a single plate clutch with multiple springs with total normal force (Fn) of 

2800 N. Find:

A- the mean friction radius (rm).

B- the friction force (Ff) acting on the plate due to

    the normal force.

C- the torque transmitted (Te) by this clutch

D- the torque capacity of the clutch (Tc)